First steps in the demo version
Log in
After starting SO3 fill in access data in Login form.


SO3 opens automatically with the ReadMe-Layout. There you can read a short introduction.
There are layouts of different areas (e.g.: building services/house installation, process engineering) for you in the demo database.
Open the layout with a double-click.
Keyboard Shortcuts:
[Ctrl]+[E] opens the layout element list
[Ctrl]+[L] opens the layout settings
Use the right mouse button to pan the layout
You will find a box with hints on each layout in the bottom right corner.
You cannot change anything on the layout. You have only readable access.
Show project status

View the status of your plant from different perspectives:
In the ribbon, select the "Views" tab
Activate the "Status bar" and "Background" buttons to display the project progress in color and as a bar on the layout.
Display the status of your equipment from the mechanical (Mechanics) or electrical (Electrics) point of view by setting the "View" accordingly.